1000名律師與100頂尖醫學專家,取得足夠證據控告世界政府,新冠疫苗乃是反人類的滅絕人口罪行 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - 1000 lawyers and 100 Medical Experts have EVIDENCE that COVID plandemic is crime against humanity
1000名律師與100頂尖醫學專家,取得足夠證據控告世界政府,新冠疫苗乃是反人類的滅絕人口罪行 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - 1000 lawyers and 100 Medical Experts have EVIDENCE that COVID plandemic is crime against humanity
Mark of the Beast | Doctor Stella Immanuel | Food Vaccines? Why Did the USDA Approve the First Lab-Grown Meat? Why Are Schwab, Gates, Harari & John Kerry Pushing Humanity to Eat Lab Grown Meat? + Is the Chinese Social Credit Score Headed to the U.S.?
( -0755 ) Eye Damage From Covid Jabs - Pharma Do Their Own Safety/Effectiveness Proofs of Drugs & Vaccines - Like If the EPA Were to Just Accept the Word of the Polluter