You have to wake up! -- Nothing is what you think it is - Jordan Maxwell -- Find direct links to MANY more Jordan Maxwell videos below in the description
Kash Patel | TRUMP, DESANTIS & the Red Wave + 9 Urgent Updates from Kash Patel | Why Are Paul Ryan & Establishment Republicans Pushing for DESANTIS & Attempting to Push Out President TRUMP? What Happened to the Red Wave? + Mel K
10 NEW Commandments?! Why Did Yuval Noah Harari, the Author Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg & Gates Say, "The U.S. Constitution and the 10 Commandments, Both Documents Endorse Slavery." "The Last Presidential Election In U.S. History?!&quo
ON DEMAND! From- Oct.15,'24: Kamala Marx & her Open Border Narco-Terrorists are invading America to rob us, to kill us & to undermine Elections, Education & Economy, while she Defunds the Police!