1. Clown Planet News (14 July 2021): Mandatory Vax in France & Biden's Vax Door to Door Vax Has Started

    Clown Planet News (14 July 2021): Mandatory Vax in France & Biden's Vax Door to Door Vax Has Started

  2. After 2 Strokes&High BP,Can We be Confident that My Brother Won't Improve After 3Days Off the Vent?

    After 2 Strokes&High BP,Can We be Confident that My Brother Won't Improve After 3Days Off the Vent?

  3. 22-year-old Daughter with Cerebral Palsy's Ventilated with Trache,How to Manage Excessive Secretions

    22-year-old Daughter with Cerebral Palsy's Ventilated with Trache,How to Manage Excessive Secretions

  4. 10 Benefits of Doing Your Own Research When Your Loved One is Critically Ill in Intensive Care!

    10 Benefits of Doing Your Own Research When Your Loved One is Critically Ill in Intensive Care!

  5. Ethical vs Unethical Practices in Intensive Care! Some Real Life Experiences!

    Ethical vs Unethical Practices in Intensive Care! Some Real Life Experiences!

  6. Ethical vs Unethical Practices in Intensive Care! Some Real Life Experiences!

    Ethical vs Unethical Practices in Intensive Care! Some Real Life Experiences!

  7. My Fiancé has Been in ICU for 19 Days with Heart Failure & Tracheostomy, Help! Live Stream!

    My Fiancé has Been in ICU for 19 Days with Heart Failure & Tracheostomy, Help! Live Stream!

  8. My 4-year-old Granddaughter has been in ICU for 5 Months on the Ventilator, Help! Live Stream!

    My 4-year-old Granddaughter has been in ICU for 5 Months on the Ventilator, Help! Live Stream!

  9. The ICU Team is Guilt Tripping Me to Stop Treatment for My 82-year-old Dad! Help!

    The ICU Team is Guilt Tripping Me to Stop Treatment for My 82-year-old Dad! Help!

  10. ICU is Writing My Husband Off Because of His Previous Stroke/Bleed History! Help! Live Stream!

    ICU is Writing My Husband Off Because of His Previous Stroke/Bleed History! Help! Live Stream!

  11. Making a Decision Regarding Withdrawing of Treatment or Having a Tracheostomy.

    Making a Decision Regarding Withdrawing of Treatment or Having a Tracheostomy.

  12. Ethics Committees in Intensive Care and Why They Get it Wrong Most of the Time!

    Ethics Committees in Intensive Care and Why They Get it Wrong Most of the Time!

  13. 10 Benefits of Doing Your Own Research When Your Loved One is Critically Ill in Intensive Care!

    10 Benefits of Doing Your Own Research When Your Loved One is Critically Ill in Intensive Care!

  14. Patrik Hutzel from INTENSIVE CARE HOTLINE answering questions for families in intensive care live!

    Patrik Hutzel from INTENSIVE CARE HOTLINE answering questions for families in intensive care live!

  15. 789 - Leadership Material, Free Speech, Healthcare Crisis and Omicron

    789 - Leadership Material, Free Speech, Healthcare Crisis and Omicron

  16. Genocide from 1880-1999 of Native Tartarians USA Canada

    Genocide from 1880-1999 of Native Tartarians USA Canada
