Peter Navarro | De-Dollarization Accelerates As BRICS Pay Has Been Launched!!! + Is the Collapse of the Dollar Around the Corner? "The BRICS Group Is Set to Launch a New Currency Backed By Gold." - RT News
BRICS | Is the World Moving Away from the U.S. Dollar? "I've Got a BAD FEELING About This." Including: There Will Be Bank Failures." - U.S. Fed Chair, BRICS, CBDC, Bank Term Funding Program, Blank-Cheque, Dodd-Frank, Bail-Ins
GOLD | "Golden Year for Gold." - Gerald Celente | "The Biggest Banks Are Raising Their Gold Price Outlook By 40%. Citigroup Is Now Calling for a $3,000 Gold Price In 6-18 Months. Goldman Revising Its Year End Forecast to $2,700."
Malik Obama | General Flynn & Malik Obama Interview: Barack Obama's Older Half-Brother Discusses: What Country Is Barack Obama From? Who Is the Real Obama? Is OBAMA Gay? Who Controls Obama? Who Controls Biden? Michelle Obama?
Prophecies | Is Humankind Fulfilling the Prophecies Found Within 2nd Timothy 3:1-5? | Are the Prophecies Found Within Revelation 13: 16-18 Being Fulfilled w/ the MIT CBDCs, the MIT Quantum Dot, Quant.Network & the New BRICS Currency?
BRICS | "Russia Is Part of BRICS. Russia Is About to Become the President of BRICS Next Year (2024). They Are Moving Towards GOLD-BACKED CURRENCY, Something We Cannot Do With Ultimately Confronting Default Immediately." - Colonel Macgregor
Banks | Blank-Cheque Company Aims to Buy Failed US banks | "Porticoes Capital Seeks Approval to Take Over Collapsed Lenders from FDIC" - Financial Times (3/13/24) | "Banks Are Going to Go BUST." - Gerald Celente (3/11/24)
GOLD | Is the World Moving Away from the U.S. Dollar? "I've Got a BAD FEELING About This." "There Will Be Bank Failures." U.S. Fed Chair, BRICS, CBDC, Bank Term Funding Program, Blank-Cheque, Dodd-Frank, Bail-Ins
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "Central Banks Around the World Were the Biggest Buyers of Gold As a Store of Value As An Alternative to the Dollar. They Bought Hundreds & Hundreds & Hundreds of Tons (of Gold). They Are Smart." - Ross