This is NOT Being Shared as a Fan, But as a Display of the Falling Apart of a Scanty, Deceptive, and Pure Desperate Fantasy Narrative as Much Sham as the NWO's! | Kerry Cassidy, Patriot Underground, and Janine of “Turn The Page”.
This is What The Illuminati's Marxists Have So Far SUCCESSFULLY Had Planned for Spirituality [Especially WEAK and FAUX-Spirituality] and Get You to TRAP YOURSELF + The Split From 3D Earth to 5D New Earth! | Jean Nolan (Inspired)
April 8th: CERN Attempts to Shift the Timeline! — Jean Nolan’s “Inspired” | WE in 5D- Your Meditations Now to Harness the Moon/Eclipse Energies (The Same The Illuminati Are Always Hijacking) Have Never Been So Important!
Sean David Morton Tells Stunning Prophecies for the Coming Days and Timeline Shifts We’ve Already Been Through! + He Heavily/Healthily Disagrees with Juan O’Savin, AKA Wayne Willott—A Somewhat Intense Conversation! (9/29/22) 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT
Sean David Morton on Journey to Truth Podcast [Part 2] EP #246 | Black Secret Projects: The Vril and Parallel Space Programs! (Part 1 Linked in Description)
Featuring Many of the Greats: Dolores Cannon, Sean David Morton, Dr. Michael Salla, Dr. Steven Greer, Sergeant Robert O. Dean (Bob Dean), Sergeant Clifford Stone, Jim Marrs, Paola Harris, Jaime Maussan, and Still Many More!
Red Planet Mars (1952 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Thriller | Summary: Husband-and-wife scientists (Peter Graves, Andrea King) pick up a pie-in-the-sky TV message supposedly from Mars.