Few People are a Legend Among Legends. This is One of Them! Happy Birthday, Lucille Ball!!! 🎂 (8/6/1911) | Redhead Tales: Colorizing "I Love Lucy". #CuzIWantTo
Preparing for 4D Pre-5D, and How Heavy Chronic Negative Thoughts Would Destroy You in the 4D! — The Realm of Dreams, the Effects of Thought, Change That Heals, and More! | “Open Minds” with Regina Meredith
A’e We Doin Thiiiiisss?… | #Flypaper for #PeopleWhoLieToThemselves for Sometimes Even KNOWINGLY #FakeComfort, for #LackOfSovereignty, and for Over all #LowerVibrationalSpeakingAndThinking
“Armageddon”: The Final Battle — How Will You Create it? The Illuminati Conditioned You with [“God” is Coming to Save You] so That You Forfeit Your Physical AND Spiritual Sovereignty, and You Have, But the Outcome is Yours. | Gregg Braden