UFO Witnesses: The Puzzling Agenda of The “Blue Sirians”! | This Program Seems [Particularly] Designed for an Upcoming Planned Project Blue Beam—The Fear Porn Dominates Over Facts, But it Doesn’t Mean the Stories aren’t Real.
Late Night LIVESTREAM 3/10/24 | 30 Min Solo with Me “WE” Before Connecting with Perseus of Indie R for a Double Livestream: My Past (and Future) Lives and How They’re Pertinent to THIS Life, Astrological Events, Space Weather, and Much More!
Why Trump is Polling Better Than EVER, DeSantis Catering to Conservative NPC's, American PC Culture (Left and Right) Vs. Old-Time European Classical Liberalism (Pre-Today's Stripped Liberty), Cheating Strategies of the Dems, + What is a CUNT?