4 months agoלמה המודיעין בעזה נכשל אבל הצליח בלבנון? ופרשת המרגל החמורה מה - 7.10! נצ"מ בדימוס אבי וייספודקאסט דרך המחשבה עם שירן רז
1 year agoDr Duane Miller - What Isaiah and the Rabbis Teach Us about the True God and the False godsMATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry
1 year agoDr Duane Miller - The Targum Interprets Isaiah 38:17-22: The Connection Between Torah, Peace, TruthMATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry
1 year agoDr Duane Miller - What Isaiah 39:1-8 Teaches Us About Confession, Repentance, and Trusting in GodMATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry
1 year agoDr Duane Miller - What Isaiah 39:1-8 Teaches Us About Confession, Repentance, and Trusting in GodMATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry
1 year agoDr Duane Miller How Rabbis Understood God’s Wisdom & Power in Creation & Revelation, Isaiah 40:13-18MATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry
1 year agoDr Duane Miller - The Targum Interprets Isaiah 38:17-22: The Connection Between Torah, Peace, TruthMATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry
1 year agoDr Duane Miller - Why the Living Praise God and the Dead Do Not in the Tanakh - Isaiah 38:17-22MATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry
1 year agoDr Duane Miller, How Rabbis Explain Isaiah 40:1-6 The Role of Context, Tradition, Innovation, and NTMATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry
1 year agoDr Duane Miller - How the Rabbis and the Targum Directly Correlate to Yeshua in the NTMATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry
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