Child Sex Slave Trafficking's #1 Customer Is The U.S. - AARON SPRADLIN - Mission America Foundation - Rescuing GOD'S Children In America! Want To STOP Children Being RAPED? BAN THE VOTING MACHINES & Take Back Your Unconstitutional Elections!
Our Elections Are Unconstitutional & Fraudulent - It's Time To BAN THE VOTING MACHINES NOW! JOIN US In Arizona To Hold Our LegislaTURDS Accountable! AND Investigate The Corruption In Our Cesspool Of A State Presented At The 2/23 Joint Meeting
Elections, The Constitution & Holding Our LegislaTURDS Accountable For NOT Following It! THE CASE HAS BEEN FILED IN COURT! ARIZONA Is A Crime Scene | DANIEL WOOD
ARIZONA HERO LIZ HARRIS: Wrongfully Expelled From The House Of Representatives On 4/12/23 - The Day The LegislaTURDS STOLE Your Voices, Freedoms & VOTE! The State Is DEAD So Let's Take It Back!
ANN VANDERSTEEL - Your REAL America = Corruption, Fraud, Money Laundering, Child Sex Slave Trafficking & Sacrifice. What Are YOU Doing About It? Time To Stand In The Gap & PROTECT THE CHILDREN!
Sound Of Freedom - What Have You Done Since You've Seen The Movie To Stop The Child Sex Slave Trafficking? It's Time To Ban The Voting Machines & SAVE GOD'S CHILDREN!