433: ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD: This Was From 11/15 - The Day Our Flag Was Officially Turned Upside Down - Our Country Is In Distress - MICHELE SWINICK & JOE MOBLEY
459: ARIZONA ELECTION CRIMES & FRAUD EXPOSED MARATHON - Maricopa County & Scott Jarrett Committed A FELONY When They STOLE The Election - We Show The Receipts! Where Are The Legislators? Officials? Sheriffs?
PETE SANTILLI - There's 179 Days Until Our Republic Is Officially DEAD & We The People Hold All The Power To Stop The Destruction! We Must BAN THE VOTING MACHINES Before The 1st Primary March 5th!
#152 Elections, The Constitution & Holding Our LegislaTURDS Accountable For NOT Following It! THE CASE HAS BEEN FILED IN COURT! Arizona Is A Crime Scene | DANIEL WOOD
#148 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Patriot Streetfighter & Michele Swinick Talk Liars, Grifters & Frauds Within The Republican Party - WE THE PEOPLE Are The White Hats & ARE ON OUR OWN + Election Fraud & Corruption | Ban The Voting Machines
#157 AZGOP Chair JEFF DEWIT is LYING! They Don't Want To Vote TODAY To Ban The Voting Machines! THEY Are Against The People & The Problem - JOIN US & EMAIL/CALL THEM & DEMAND THEY VOTE TODAY!
#197 Devil State of Arizona Updates - Tyrannical Mari-Corruption County Board Of Supervisors Is Breaking The Law, Lying & Attacking The Grassroots...AGAIN! | RAY MICHAELS & BRIAN FERENCE