Deutsche Bank | "Why Is Deutsche Bank So Powerful That They Can Literally Control the Courts of Law?" - Reiner Fuellmich + The History of Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, the Young Global Leaders, Bill Gates and Henry Kissinger
CANCER ♋️ April 2023 — Absolutely Transformational! A Must-Watch for Cancer, and Recommended for ANY SIGN with Cancer Placements in Their Rising and North Node. Possibly the Most Spiritually Expansive Reading I’ve Ever Done for Cancer.
What Happened After the Fall of Atlantis, Who are the Lemurians in Comparison, Can America Fulfill it’s Destiny as the New Atlantis without Failing/Falling? + The Significance of the Year 2012!
Earth without Oil, Remote Viewing BEYOND 2023 and Timeline Shifts Vs. Creating Your Reality [YOU ARE Creating the Timeline Shifts!!] — Note: The Information Given on Remote Viewing is EXACTLY the Same Way to Understand the Use of Tarot! | Gregg Braden