1 year agoKazazian MAFIA Part 4, COL Chuck Sellers, Brad Wozny, and Bishop Jim O'Connor, Spiritual WarfareGod Wins
1 year agoBrad Wosny, Pastor Pawlowski, Bishop Jim, Aby Jones, Norman Travesty, COL Chuck & Michelle SellersGod Wins
3 years agoMercola and Judy Mikovits, “The many ways Covid SHOTs can HARM your Health.”Biological Medicine
1 year agoGive to Caesar, what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s,  just so you know, stand upGod Wins
1 year agoWinding down after Workout #Weight Loss) #new #fitness #Nauru #weightloss #life #bgmi #oldmanNormal Norman
1 year agoKazazian Mafia Part 2, Col Chuck Sellers, Brad Wozny, Jim O'Connor, Spiritual WarfareGod Wins
1 year agoApostacy, Heresy, Pope Francis leading his church to Hell, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, God WinsGod Wins