FLASHBACK: I'm Not a Blaire White Fan (Nor Detractor), But I'm a Fan of Blaire Putting the Egomaniacal, Vengeful, and Now Today [Mossad-Employed], Candace Owens IN HER RIGHTFUL PLACE. (11/7/17)
MAJOR Reality Shift(s) Unfolding NOW Thru 2025! — A Compilation of Teachers Who Sense the Same Thing (Whether They Call it a Timeline Split, Crossroads, or Major Event); Their Explanation of it, and Their Suggestions for The Upcoming Event(s).
Roseanne and Jim Breuer Keeping' it Real! | WE in 5D: Roseanne's Most Recent Interview was with Candace Owens—Look for it on Her Channel; I Myself Wasn't Interested, so I Bring You This Instead!
Law of Attraction PARADOX: When You Release the Desire You Release RESISTANCE—When You Release the Desire IT COMES TO YOU! And Madonna on ‘God’: When the Bitch is Right, She’s Right.. That’s All! + Autopilot Minds NOT WELCOMED! Here’s Why…
The Simplest Thing One Can Do for Themselves—SPEAK AND COMMUNICATE—and for Some Fearful Reason We Often Forfeit That. Revolutionary Video “Express Yourself” by Madonna. | Happy Birthing, Madonna (August 16, 1958).
REVEALED: How the Illuminati Hire Murderers (They're Your Cops, Doctors, Military Men and Women, Scientists, and More!) + Vintage Fox News (I-Team) Report of Depopulation Being Carried Out Before the CIA had Full Grasp of TV!
Spiritual Principles, Not Christian. — They Still Fucked it Up Anyway! (The Illuminati-Infiltrated Faction of the Freemasons) | Jean Noland of "Inspired".
Roseanne Barr Podcast (Episode 18): A Course in Miracles Teacher and Democratic Presidential Candidate, Marianne Williamson! | WEin5D: She is Ignorant/in Denial of the Illuminati Thus is Useless in a Political Position Despite Her Admirable Spirituality.
WE in 5D: “As with Even the MOST Revered by Me (Kerry Cassidy, Alex Jones, Whoever) I NEVER Agree with Every Single Little Detail They Divulge—I’ll Give Greer the Benefit of the Doubt That He Wants to Warn of Project Blue Beam Through any Means.“
Gregg Braden Interviews Daniel Estulin: The Coming of the 4th Change, and The Epic of Cybernetic Immortality! (7/14/23) | Daniel Estulin Has Been Interviewed by the Likes of Billy Carson, and Alex Jones—Whom Estulin has Even Crashed Past Bilderberg Meet
"Seatbelt Psychic" Marathon: Christian Pastor is Challenged, Parents Receive Important Communication From Passed-on Son, a Daughter Reconnects with Her Father on the Day She Needs it Most, and More!
Pre-Broken Soul Madonna Specific on Our Matrix: ‘IT’S A SETUP UNTIL YOU’RE FED UP!’ + Spirituality, Children, and the Middle East. And Roseanne Fans Will Note She and Madonna Shared the Same Kabbalah Teacher. “Nobody Knows Me” by Madonna.
President Trump’s Statement on Latest Sham-Indictment, the Latest on Ron DeSantis’ Campaign, Roger Stone Flashback on Bill Maher, + What if RFK Jr. Runs as an Independent?.. Roger Stone's Opinion on Who Does it Benefits!
FULL INTERVIEW: The REAL Problem is Republicans.. and Not as Much Democrats as You'd Think, Which are Easy to Predict! + What is the Democratic Party’s Plan for Biden? | Tucker Carlson & Vivek Ramaswamy Uncensored