2 years agoThe Strength to Conceive | 1.11.23 | Wednesday | On Fire Christian ChurchPastor Chuck Salvo
1 month agoVaccination is a means of spreading diseases and disposing of the stupid population!Alex7Tumanov
2 years agoForeigner Caught Trespassing Inside a Polish Village (Risky Adventure)André TravelerVerified
5 months ago“Helen” is “Not a natural phenomenon”, but rather “Operation” by Katherine Austin Fitts!Alex7Tumanov
4 years agoThe Sunday of the New Song - Cantate / Easter 5 - May 10, 2020St. John Lutheran Church & School - Random Lake
6 months ago2024-09-02 Justified by Works - The Oldest church - Apocrypha and Gnostic GospelsAskAChristian
5 months agoThis is what we see in the post-mortem clots of those vaccinated against Covid!Alex7Tumanov