Kim Clement | Kim Clement Prophecies + An Interview w/ Jane & Donné Clement Petruska | Trump Shall Become a Trumpet, I Will Put At Your Helm for Two Terms a President That Will Pray, A Man By the Name of Mr. Clark & Will America ReAwaken In Time?
Bird Flu | Michigan's Largest Egg Farm Lays Off 400 Workers Amid Bird Flu Outbreak + Bird Flu Found In 3 New Dairy Herds? Is Bird Flu Just In Time for Election Season 2024? (92 Tix Remain for June 7-8, Detroit, ReAwaken)
GOLD | What Are Bail-Ins? + Gold Hits All-Time High!!! Will the U.S. Dollar Die? "U.S. Debt Rising By $1 Trillion Every 3 Months & U.S. Interest Expense Rising By $100 Billion Every 4 Months" - Zero Hedge 3/28/24 + Is Silver Set to Soar?!
Revelation | 119 Signs of the Times | Are We Living Through the Fulfillment of Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, Rev 13, & 1st Thess Chapter 4? See All 119 Signs: + Where Have Foreign Buyers of U.S. Debt Gone?
October 4th 2023 | Is There a Connection Between the October 4th 2023 FEMA & FCC Nationwide Emergency Alert Test & China’s Bio-based Military Strategies Include Weaponized Vaccines as “Biological Time Bombs”?
Dollar Collapse | Did the Petrodollar Just Collapse As the Digital Chinese Digital Yuan Was Used for the FIRST TIME EVER to Settle a Crude Oil Transaction with Saudi Arabia? De-Dollarization Is HERE!!!
COVID Vaccines | "COVID Vaccines Are the Most Dangerous Vaccines of All Time." - Steve Kirsch (Tech Entrepreneur) + "The Vaccines That Saved Us from COVID Are Now Being Used to Beat Cancer." - Joe Biden | Trump's Response?