Joe Biden | "It Almost Looks Like It Is a Different Tan." - Patrick Bet-David | "Jonna Mendez Was the Former Disguise Officer of the CIA & Her Job Was to Make Different Masks of People to Make Them Look Real." - Patrick Bet-David
April 8th 2024 | What's Going On?!! The April 8th Eclipse, CERN April 8th, 322, Moscow Attack, Obama, ISIS, CIA, CBDCs, Diddy, Resurrection of Jesus Christ & Why Are Pastors Preying On America?! w/ Jason Bermas & Pastor Benjamin
The FBI Didn't Like 'It's A Wonderful Life' Because It Made The "Bankers" Look Bad? | REEL HISTORY OF HOLLYWOOD w/ MEL K - Ep: 11 | Frank Capra, CIA, Mockingbird, Communist, Socialist, Patriot, America, War Film
SIGHTINGS: A CIA 1953 LSD Experiment Goes WRONG, an Update on the Largest Sighting in History, Do Twins Share a Bond That Transcends Death?, Animals & Telepathy, and More! (S3 E19) | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]