1 year ago+182 THE RAPTURE SERIES, Pt 3a: The Differences: 2nd Coming of Christ/The RaptureThe Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+155 PRAISE THE SAVIOR ALL YE WHO KNOW HIMThe Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+176 THE RAPTURE cont, Pts 4b/5a-Ten Purposes of The Rapture +1 Thess 5 OutlineThe Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
2 years ago+12 NOT ASHAMED: A Church Not Ashamed to Prepare, Exodus 35:1-12The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
2 years agoRevelation: The Voice, Vision and Victory - Pastor Jeremy StoutBible Baptist Church of Marysville, Ohio
1 year ago+59 INSIDE OUT FAITH, Part 8: Inside Out Gratitude, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
10 months ago+73 NO CONDEMNATION, Part 4: God's Wrath Revealed, Romans 1:18-20The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
9 months ago+74 NO CONDEMNATION, Pt 6: Con't Digression Into Depravity, Romans 1:21-29The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
10 months ago+67 TRANSFORMING TRIALS, James 1:1-4The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
9 months ago+ 84 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, Pt 6: The Fifth Commandment: Honor Your Parents, Ex 20:12The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
9 months ago+95 NO CONDEMNATION, Pt 5: Paganistic Regression & The One Hope Of The Wicked, Romans 1:21-27The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
6 months ago+93 A WOMAN'S TRUST FOR GOD, 1 Kings 17:8-24The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
9 months ago+55 HOLY LIVING IN AN UNHOLY WORLD, Pt 5: Power Surge, Ephesians 1:19-23The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
6 months ago+111 NO CONDEMNATION, Pt 13: The Righteousness For All, Ro 3:21-27The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
7 months ago+54 TRUST HIM, Part 2, Psalm 56:1-11The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
7 months ago+53 AFTER THE RESURRECTION, Matthew 28:16-20The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
6 months ago+55 HOLY LIVING IN AN UNHOLY WORLD, Pt 20: The Warfare Of The Christian Believer, Pt 1, Eph 6:10-20The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
6 months ago+50 ARE WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES? Pt 4: What Are The Major Events Of The End Times?The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
2 years ago+34 23R PNEUMATOLOGY, Series Final: Blasphemy of The Holy Spirit; The Sin Unto DeathThe Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year agoSay Goodbye to Regret, Part 8: Saying Goodbye to Time RegretsThe Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year agoThe First Seven · 230223 Thursday Night Bible Study · Pastor Jerome PittmanVictory Baptist Church Winnipeg
1 year ago+91 SAY GOODBYE TO REGRET, Part 7: Say Goodbye to Sexual RegretsThe Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified
1 year ago+24 PROPHECY Series 2023, Part 5: The Seven Years of Retribution, Part 3The Victory Gospel Hour with Dr. George RagsdaleVerified