CERN | Why Does CERN Have a 666 Logo? Why Is a SHIVA (The god of Destruction) Statue Located In Front of CERN? Why Is CERN Located In Geneva? Why Is the World Economic Forum Located In Geneva?
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL - 1/8/2025: Southern California Burns! DEI Officials Struggle To Contain Fires After Democrat State Drastically Cut Water Supplies Over Past Decade
Covid Origins Mandate Moves to Biden's Signature as Doctors and Lawyers Move to Take Covid Vaccines off the Market | Democrats Lose Composure During Twitter Files Hearings | California Tracked Church Attendees Through Cell Phones During Lockdown
Lucifer Publishing Company | What Is the Lucis Trust & Why Is Lucis Trust Located Next to the United Nations Building? Who Was Alice Bailey? What Was Alice Bailey's 10 Point Strategy of New World Order? What Is the Goal of the United
BRICS | Is BRICS Finding Their Feet? Why Do 81.5% of the Earth's Countries Have One Foot Out the Door When It Comes to the U.S. Dollar? Is World Getting Gold Feet About U.S. Dollar? Will U.S. Dollar Land On Its Feet?
Dr. Judy Mikovits + Mel K | What In the World Is Going On?! + Rogan, Tom Renz, Donald J. Trump & Yuval Noah Harari "We Need to Look Forward & Try to Establish a New Order for the 21st Century." - Harari + Charlie Kirk Celebrates Musk?
DeDollarization | "Gold Is Going Higher Because Governments Are Buying It. There Is a Rush Into Gold Because of the Dedollarization of the World." - Neumeyer + Bannon, Trump, Putin, Kiyosaki, Werner, Griffin, Tucker, Smith, Etc.
BRICS | January 1st 2024 | BRICS to Double In Size Today As Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Ethiopia to Join BRICS January 1st 2024 | BRICS Welcomes New Members In Push to Reshuffle World Order - Reuters
Doctor Judy Mikovits | Who Is the W.H.O.? Why Did the 1st "To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." - Brock Chisho
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | Episode #2219 Highlights Including: Elon, the Weave, the Ear Scar, Pollsters, Dana White, RFK Jr., No Days Off, Illegal Immigration, JFK Files, Wind Energy, & Stopping World War III
Julie Green | On Jan. 17th 2017 President Trump Was Sworn In As the 45th President of the U.S., China's President Xi Jinping Delivered A Keynote At the World Economic Forum & Klaus Schwab Said, "We Can Create a New World Order."
General Flynn | New World Order? Trump’s Unprecedented Legal Persecution, Macron Hosts Peace Conference Regarding Hamas / Israel, U.S. Dollar Nearing Collapse & Global Majority Aligns w/ BRICS + 37 Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled Simultaneously?
Robin Bullock | "Yuval Noah Harari and He's the Prophet for World Economic Forum, Barack Obama Praises Him. Bill Gates Praises Him. Mark Zuckerberg Praises Him." (Featuring 20+ Clips of Yuval Noah Harari Stating The Great Reset Agenda)