General Flynn | Are Klaus Schwab & His Daughter Nicole Schwab Teaming Up to Push “The Great Reset” / Climate Change Agenda? + "What to Do With Billions of Useless Humans?" - Yuval Noah Harari
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Are More People Waking Up the Truth About COVID, Vaccine Mandates, mRNA Technology, Lockdowns & the Great Reset Agenda? + Dr. Randi Shannon, ND - Are Wheat & Sweets Making Us Sick?
Bird Flu | "Bird Flu Is Widening Reach. Maps Show Counties Affected By the Outbreak." - USA Today (7/19/24) | Who Is Investing In mRNA Tech, Transhumanism, A.I. & Great Reset Tech? + BRICS & Shift In Global Order
The Great Reset versus The Great ReAwakening | Andrew Sorchini & Clay Clark | The Great Reset CBDCs | "CBDCs, The Implications for Freedom and Privacy Are Frightening." - Steve Forbes
The Great Reset | Why Did the Brazil Carnaval 2023 Mock Jesus Christ? Why Did Yuval Noah Harari State, "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari (Klaus Schwab Advisor) + Why Is the CERN Logo 666?