2 years agoThe Ari Hoffman Show- Biden shutters the Ministry of Truth- 5/18/22The Post MillennialVerified
8 months agoMASS HANNIBAL: The Truth About Oct 7. Israeli Air Force Colonel Erez admits Killing Unarmed CitizensTheWarAgainstYou
2 years agoThe Ari Hoffman Show- Democrats discredit journalists when they don't like questions- 10/4/22The Post MillennialVerified
1 year agoThe Ari Hoffman Show- We don't have a justice system we have a social justice system - 5/12/23The Post MillennialVerified
2 years agoThe Ari Hoffman Show- Everyone is misreading election tea leaves- 8/3/22The Post MillennialVerified
2 years agoThe Ari Hoffman Show- No celebrity can distract from Biden's disasters- 6/07/22The Post MillennialVerified
1 year agoShocking Truths: Trump Hidden Comms At Lake ERIERestored Republic. Benjamin Fulford ~ Situation Update!
3 years agoR&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Pashtun-Israel Fellowship (Episode #6 -- Monday, December 13th, 2021) Host: Mr. Fazal-ur Rehman Afridi. Guest Speaker: Dr. Eyal Be'eriR&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Pashtun-Israel FellowshipVerified
2 years agoR&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Pashtun-Israel Fellowship (Episode #14 -- Wednesday, October 19th, 2022). Chair: Mr. Fazal ur Rehman Afridi (Paris, FRANCE), Dr. Eyal Be'eri (Beit El, ISRAEL)R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Pashtun-Israel FellowshipVerified
1 year agoR&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Pashtun-Israel Fellowship (Episode #21 -- Tuesday, June 20th, 2023). F. Afridi (SWITZERLAND), E. Be'eri (ISRAEL), I. Fjeld (NORWAY, INDIA), N. Kobrin (ISRAEL), H. Zamakhil (FRANCE)R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Pashtun-Israel FellowshipVerified