OBAMA EXPOSÉ WATCH PARTY: Luke Rudkowski and Larry Sinclair Watch the Tucker Carlson Interview LIVE, Then Luke Interviews Larry Himself (WILD, RAW & UNCENSORED).
Alex Jones’ Message to America for What's Coming! | Alex Calls it a Crossroads.. I Call it a 2-Year Span Timeline Split! My Video Explaining This Next Timeline Split is Linked in the Description ⇩
EXPLAINED—This is What They Want: TRANSHUMANISM > SEXUALITY (THE ESSENCE/SOUL OF YOU, AND WHY GENDER IS IMPORTANT). | Big Tech Censoring Tarot, and Inching Toward the Spiritual Community!
Sightings — UFO’s in a Culture of Silence (with Nick Pope), Astronaut’s Outer Space Mission Results in His Inspiration Toward Spirituality and Law of Attraction, Crop Circle Investigation, and NASA's Plans for Mars! (1996) | #VintageTV
SIGHTINGS: A Toxic Killer in Area 51??, What Crashed into Shag Harbour in Nova Scotia Canada?, Proof of Intelligent Life on Mars, Dramatic UFO Encounter Over Iran, Sand Rings (AKA Crop Circles in Sand), and More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]