1. What exactly do quotuquot and quotrquot string prefixes do and what are raw string literals

    What exactly do quotuquot and quotrquot string prefixes do and what are raw string literals

  2. What is the regex to extract all the emojis from a string

    What is the regex to extract all the emojis from a string

  3. Using quotRANDOMquot to generate a random string in Bash

    Using quotRANDOMquot to generate a random string in Bash

  4. Variable alignment component in string interpolation

    Variable alignment component in string interpolation

  5. Understanding JVM Behavior How Does switch Handle String Hash Collisions

    Understanding JVM Behavior How Does switch Handle String Hash Collisions

  6. UNIX shell sort a string by word length and by ASCII order ignoring case

    UNIX shell sort a string by word length and by ASCII order ignoring case

  7. String manipulation amp algorithmic complexity

    String manipulation amp algorithmic complexity

  8. Using cingood for strings

    Using cingood for strings