1. President of Chicago Teachers Union: Conservatives don’t want black children to be able to read-568

    President of Chicago Teachers Union: Conservatives don’t want black children to be able to read-568

  2. Another Al Jazeera "Journalist" reported from a Kibbutz in Israel on 10/7 while his buddies raping

    Another Al Jazeera "Journalist" reported from a Kibbutz in Israel on 10/7 while his buddies raping

  3. Footage Shows Frantic Chase and Shootout With a Former Yakima Cop Who Kidnapped His Own Son

    Footage Shows Frantic Chase and Shootout With a Former Yakima Cop Who Kidnapped His Own Son

  4. The Monica Crowley Podcast: Illegal Alien Crime Spree

    The Monica Crowley Podcast: Illegal Alien Crime Spree

  5. Egypt's true face and intentions regarding Gaza and the "peace" with Israel

    Egypt's true face and intentions regarding Gaza and the "peace" with Israel

  6. A Journalist by day and a Terrorist, also by day. There are NO innocents in Gaza!

    A Journalist by day and a Terrorist, also by day. There are NO innocents in Gaza!

  7. Israeli mother of Kiddenaped Romi Gonen, 23y/o woman, addressing the UN's lack of action!

    Israeli mother of Kiddenaped Romi Gonen, 23y/o woman, addressing the UN's lack of action!

  8. Why Israel MUST fight and Eliminate all Muslim Terror organizations? Here's why!

    Why Israel MUST fight and Eliminate all Muslim Terror organizations? Here's why!

  9. Israeli Arab Joseph Hadad & musician David Draiman: Message to musicians who support Hamas

    Israeli Arab Joseph Hadad & musician David Draiman: Message to musicians who support Hamas

  10. The dead children of Gaza? Or the rubber dummies of Pallywood?

    The dead children of Gaza? Or the rubber dummies of Pallywood?
