1. Russian peace initiative, Ukraine lost 12,000 troops in a week, G7, Cuba, EU, Eurasian security

    Russian peace initiative, Ukraine lost 12,000 troops in a week, G7, Cuba, EU, Eurasian security

  2. Lavrov: Ukraine + Russia negotiate daily, sanctions must be lifted! Moldova into NATO (2022-04-30)

    Lavrov: Ukraine + Russia negotiate daily, sanctions must be lifted! Moldova into NATO (2022-04-30)

  3. EU not depending on Russian oil and gas, instead depending on the US.(2022-04-30)

    EU not depending on Russian oil and gas, instead depending on the US.(2022-04-30)

  4. Putin and Zelensky will meet in Bali. They are invited to G-20. The circus is in town (2022-04-30)

    Putin and Zelensky will meet in Bali. They are invited to G-20. The circus is in town (2022-04-30)

  5. NATO prepares massive military escalation, deployment of troops, since the Cold War (2022-04-30)

    NATO prepares massive military escalation, deployment of troops, since the Cold War (2022-04-30)

  6. NATO aims at long-term war with Russia, the World "owes" Ukraine security. (2022-04-29)

    NATO aims at long-term war with Russia, the World "owes" Ukraine security. (2022-04-29)

  7. Saudi Arabia to acquire an atomic bomb?, Iran + US will decide! Pakistan is the source? (2022-04-29)

    Saudi Arabia to acquire an atomic bomb?, Iran + US will decide! Pakistan is the source? (2022-04-29)

  8. Russia used 1,300 misses since the invasion worth $7.5 billion. (2022-04-30)

    Russia used 1,300 misses since the invasion worth $7.5 billion. (2022-04-30)

  9. "Deep recession" in the US. Serbia shows off its Chinese missiles (2022-04-30)

    "Deep recession" in the US. Serbia shows off its Chinese missiles (2022-04-30)

  10. Zelensky: "Insignificant difference" between Russian troops and the NAZI. (2022-04-30)

    Zelensky: "Insignificant difference" between Russian troops and the NAZI. (2022-04-30)

  11. Russian TV: nuclear Sarmat missile hits London in 202 secs, Paris 200s, and Berlin 106s (2022-04-30)

    Russian TV: nuclear Sarmat missile hits London in 202 secs, Paris 200s, and Berlin 106s (2022-04-30)

  12. Ukrainian plane hits Russia territory again, US ambassador return to Kiev (2022-04-30)

    Ukrainian plane hits Russia territory again, US ambassador return to Kiev (2022-04-30)

  13. Russian military charged with war crimes by Ukrainians amid 8000 investigations (2022-04-30)

    Russian military charged with war crimes by Ukrainians amid 8000 investigations (2022-04-30)

  14. NATO could "completely destroy the Russian forces," ex F-35 pilot Billie Flynn (2022-04-30)

    NATO could "completely destroy the Russian forces," ex F-35 pilot Billie Flynn (2022-04-30)

  15. The biggest price increase in 40 years! US consumer spending and inflationincreased! (2022-04-29)

    The biggest price increase in 40 years! US consumer spending and inflationincreased! (2022-04-29)