1. Building a Gospel bridge to Islam | Wednesday night

    Building a Gospel bridge to Islam | Wednesday night

  2. 2 Peter 3:8-10, Our God is a Patient God, Pastor Larry Meade

    2 Peter 3:8-10, Our God is a Patient God, Pastor Larry Meade

  3. Episode 58 Text Book for Life, The Bible. On Down to Earth But Heavenly Minded Podcast.

    Episode 58 Text Book for Life, The Bible. On Down to Earth But Heavenly Minded Podcast.

  4. 2-26-25 Tread the Tricky Path God's Way and you WON'T stumble!

    2-26-25 Tread the Tricky Path God's Way and you WON'T stumble!

  5. God wants you to bloom in the place where he has you, but you have to let him work inside YOU!

    God wants you to bloom in the place where he has you, but you have to let him work inside YOU!

  6. All Things Word: O, Those Eyes, Pt. 5- “Those Moving Eyes."

    All Things Word: O, Those Eyes, Pt. 5- “Those Moving Eyes."

  7. An Introduction to the Book of Exodus – from www.HeartofAShepherd.com.

    An Introduction to the Book of Exodus – from www.HeartofAShepherd.com.
