1. Friday Night Shabbat: Update on John Bellesorte, Jesus Has Given Me The Gift Of Celibacy -- My Updated Article On Why Jesus Is Angry With America: A History of the USA

    Friday Night Shabbat: Update on John Bellesorte, Jesus Has Given Me The Gift Of Celibacy -- My Updated Article On Why Jesus Is Angry With America: A History of the USA

  2. Medieval Catholic Lofi: Melodies for Prayer and Meditation

    Medieval Catholic Lofi: Melodies for Prayer and Meditation

  3. 大悲心陀罗尼经|广大圆满 无碍大悲 救苦救难 延长寿命 灭除业障 Great Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra | Vast and perfect, unimpeded great compassion, rescuing suffering, prolonging life, eliminating karma

    大悲心陀罗尼经|广大圆满 无碍大悲 救苦救难 延长寿命 灭除业障 Great Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra | Vast and perfect, unimpeded great compassion, rescuing suffering, prolonging life, eliminating karma

  4. 浴佛偈|诚恳念诵 礼赞佛陀功德 自我净化 积累福慧 功德回向众生 Bathing Buddha Gauze | Chant it sincerely to praise the Buddha's merits, purify yourself, accumulate blessings and wisdom, and return merits to all living beings

    浴佛偈|诚恳念诵 礼赞佛陀功德 自我净化 积累福慧 功德回向众生 Bathing Buddha Gauze | Chant it sincerely to praise the Buddha's merits, purify yourself, accumulate blessings and wisdom, and return merits to all living beings

  5. 功德宝山神咒|诵一遍 如礼大佛名经四万五千四百遍 The Mantra of the Treasure Mountain of Merit|Recite the Sutra of the Great Buddha 45,400 times

    功德宝山神咒|诵一遍 如礼大佛名经四万五千四百遍 The Mantra of the Treasure Mountain of Merit|Recite the Sutra of the Great Buddha 45,400 times

  6. 心经(粤语版)|长智慧、福报,诸事顺利,心想事成,功德翻倍 Heart Sutra (Cantonese version)|Grow wisdom, good fortune, everything goes smoothly, all wishes come true, and merit is doubled

    心经(粤语版)|长智慧、福报,诸事顺利,心想事成,功德翻倍 Heart Sutra (Cantonese version)|Grow wisdom, good fortune, everything goes smoothly, all wishes come true, and merit is doubled

  7. 往生咒|早晚诵读二十一遍 心生欢乐喜悦 消除一切烦恼 往极乐 The Rebirth Mantra

    往生咒|早晚诵读二十一遍 心生欢乐喜悦 消除一切烦恼 往极乐 The Rebirth Mantra

  8. September 6 - Holy Hour of Prayer & Adoration Novenas for our Countries - Pray the Divine Mercy Way

    September 6 - Holy Hour of Prayer & Adoration Novenas for our Countries - Pray the Divine Mercy Way
