1. From The UKC Archive: Disused Scottish mill that was the Companies House-registered address

    From The UKC Archive: Disused Scottish mill that was the Companies House-registered address

  2. "Unlocking the Mystery: Disneyland's Energy Vortex and the 33rd Parallel with Walter Bosley"

    "Unlocking the Mystery: Disneyland's Energy Vortex and the 33rd Parallel with Walter Bosley"

  3. Macron wants to go to war with Putin, France and Russia are preparing for a bloody war

    Macron wants to go to war with Putin, France and Russia are preparing for a bloody war

  4. Plant in Donetsk, where Russian 200th brigade is located, was hit by HIMARS - images of destruction

    Plant in Donetsk, where Russian 200th brigade is located, was hit by HIMARS - images of destruction

  5. Launching a counteroffensive in Kharkiv, Ukrainian army liberates some territories from occupation

    Launching a counteroffensive in Kharkiv, Ukrainian army liberates some territories from occupation

  6. A pilot dies as two aircraft collide at Portugal air show

    A pilot dies as two aircraft collide at Portugal air show

  7. Strong forest fires in Russian republic of Buryatia - Warning issued for residents

    Strong forest fires in Russian republic of Buryatia - Warning issued for residents

  8. The “game” between Russian soldiers and a Ukrainian drone -They tried to hit the drone with a stone

    The “game” between Russian soldiers and a Ukrainian drone -They tried to hit the drone with a stone

  9. Strong flooding in Russia’s Kaliningrad city - Streets, houses, roads submerged under water

    Strong flooding in Russia’s Kaliningrad city - Streets, houses, roads submerged under water

  10. “We will take a different path”: Ukrainian general named the prerequisites for liberation of Crimea

    “We will take a different path”: Ukrainian general named the prerequisites for liberation of Crimea

  11. Bradley ambushed moving Russian vehicles - Russians, jumping from vehicles tried to escape

    Bradley ambushed moving Russian vehicles - Russians, jumping from vehicles tried to escape

  12. This year Russia captured 752 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory

    This year Russia captured 752 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory

  13. Convoy of dozens of equipments, preparing to enter to Ukraine, were fired upon in Russian territory

    Convoy of dozens of equipments, preparing to enter to Ukraine, were fired upon in Russian territory

  14. Ukraine may strike at Russian targets in Belarus - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania

    Ukraine may strike at Russian targets in Belarus - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania

  15. Another Russian convoy of equipment attacking in Donetsk was ambushed - The attack was interrupted

    Another Russian convoy of equipment attacking in Donetsk was ambushed - The attack was interrupted

  16. Neptune missiles expand horizons: analysts commented the results of first Neptune strike on Russia

    Neptune missiles expand horizons: analysts commented the results of first Neptune strike on Russia

  17. Germany permits Ukraine to strike up to 40 km inside Russian territory - Bild

    Germany permits Ukraine to strike up to 40 km inside Russian territory - Bild

  18. "Azov" aerial scouts "hunt" Russia’s moving servicemen and military equipment with drones

    "Azov" aerial scouts "hunt" Russia’s moving servicemen and military equipment with drones

  19. First French troops en route to Ukraine - member of the Ukrainian parliament

    First French troops en route to Ukraine - member of the Ukrainian parliament
