1. 104_how to undo with alt r

    104_how to undo with alt r

  2. 102_how to delete one word at a time with alt d

    102_how to delete one word at a time with alt d

  3. 103_how to switch two words with escape t

    103_how to switch two words with escape t

  4. 101_how to "run the previous command" with the "!!" comand

    101_how to "run the previous command" with the "!!" comand

  5. Before You Go to Linux Fully this is what you need to know

    Before You Go to Linux Fully this is what you need to know

  6. Fox, Hound, and Bear 😻

    Fox, Hound, and Bear 😻

  7. Current Linux Kernel debugging techniques

    Current Linux Kernel debugging techniques

  8. Cannot GET index.html Azure Linux Web App

    Cannot GET index.html Azure Linux Web App