1. Never forget who controls what you read, see, and hear in the Western Media when it comes to Ukraine

    Never forget who controls what you read, see, and hear in the Western Media when it comes to Ukraine

  2. Ukraine & Russia War Update

    Ukraine & Russia War Update

  3. Ukraine strikes Crimea with ATACMS – Several people are killed

    Ukraine strikes Crimea with ATACMS – Several people are killed

  4. Biden's Bold Shift in Ukraine? US Military Contractors May Enter War Zone; Crossing Putin’s Red Line

    Biden's Bold Shift in Ukraine? US Military Contractors May Enter War Zone; Crossing Putin’s Red Line

  5. 90 Russian, Ukrainian prisoners of war return home following prisoner swap

    90 Russian, Ukrainian prisoners of war return home following prisoner swap

  6. Ukraine hit Crimea with ATACMS, 5 people died: Russia blamed the USA

    Ukraine hit Crimea with ATACMS, 5 people died: Russia blamed the USA

  7. Fans honored fallen hero Nazariy "Hrienka" Hryntsevich by displaying a banner

    Fans honored fallen hero Nazariy "Hrienka" Hryntsevich by displaying a banner

  8. 2 Congressional Hearings Zero In on CCP Subversion

    2 Congressional Hearings Zero In on CCP Subversion

  9. Ukraine is losing the war! A Ukrainian soldier admits in an interview that Ukraine is losing the war

    Ukraine is losing the war! A Ukrainian soldier admits in an interview that Ukraine is losing the war

  10. L'UE firma un 'accordo di sicurezza' con l'Ucraina; armi, addestramento e cooperazione militare concordando con il Paese un "impegno per la sicurezza a lungo termine", firmato a Bruxelles durante il consiglio europeo

    L'UE firma un 'accordo di sicurezza' con l'Ucraina; armi, addestramento e cooperazione militare concordando con il Paese un "impegno per la sicurezza a lungo termine", firmato a Bruxelles durante il consiglio europeo

  11. La NATO nomina l'olandese Mark Rutte come prossimo Segretario generale dell'alleanza atlantica al posto di Stoltenberg.La NATO "rimarrà la pietra angolare della nostra sicurezza collettiva".Rutte entrerà in carica ad ottobre 2024

    La NATO nomina l'olandese Mark Rutte come prossimo Segretario generale dell'alleanza atlantica al posto di Stoltenberg.La NATO "rimarrà la pietra angolare della nostra sicurezza collettiva".Rutte entrerà in carica ad ottobre 2024

  12. The enemy tried to hide, but in the end was buried in Ukrainian soil. The aerial

    The enemy tried to hide, but in the end was buried in Ukrainian soil. The aerial

  13. ☠️🔥 Paratroopers of the 79th continue to eliminate Russian invaders in the

    ☠️🔥 Paratroopers of the 79th continue to eliminate Russian invaders in the
