University at Buffalo: Rebuking An Arrogant Atheist, Wicked Fake Christians Defend Sin, Police Called, Crowd Swells, Homosexuals, Muslims, Lukewarm Christians, Atheists All Join Forces Against the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Crowd Descends Into Rabid Chaos
Marshall U (West Virginia): Angry Catholic & Proud Atheist Helps Me Draw Crowd, I Warn The Students About Trump the Antichrist and Exalt Jesus And The True Gospel, Contending W/ The Wicked and Singing of The Blood!
Spectacular Large & Calm Crowd, Atheist Asks Excellent Questions, Retired Judge and Current Female Professor Gets In My Face, I Rebuke Professor And She Scurries Away, Mini Prophecy Preach On Trump Being The Son of Perdition, Attentive Students!
University of Maryland: Wicked Reprobates Arrogantly Try To Make Me Move, Humble Police Officer Gives Me A Great New Place To Preach, Draw A Small Crowd, Rebuking an Arrogant Atheist & Arrogant Roman Catholic, Preaching Jesus!
Montclair University: Police Restrict Me To 90 Minutes, Two Female Students Eagerly Promise To Pass Out My Tracks, Atheist Challenges Me To Debate For Tomorrow, Small Crowd Drawn, I Nearly Topple Over Due To How Weak I Am, Jesus Lives!
Penn State: Black Man Hypocrite Opposes The Gospel, Jeff & I Call Him A Devil, I Call Mocking Atheist A Child of Devil & Young Female Hypocrite Opposes Me For That, I Tell Her 1st Timothy 2 Commands Women To Shut Their Mouths!
Marshall Univ: Atheist Homosexual Very Open To Discussion/Asking Great Questions, Heckler Holds Hugging Sign & Helps Me Draw Crowd of 25-30 Students, "Not Viable" Fetus Is Now A Female Student Who Shares Gripping Testimony, Powerful Day!
Northern Kentucky University: A Lively Large Crowd As I Contend With a Witch, Some Atheists, A Few Hypocrites, Some Muslims, But Also Some Very Good Questions, Passed Out Lots Of Tracts, Police Kept Things Orderly, A Great Day Of Preaching Jesus!
Marshall Univ (West Virginia): Security Cop Tries To Tell Me To Move, I Refuse, Eventually Police Say I Can Stand On a Grassy Knoll Very Close to Plaza So I Comply, have about 10-15 interactions with both sincere Christians and Curious Atheists/Agnostics
UConn: Holy Spirit Helps Me Gather A Crowd of 70-75 Students, Contending w/ Atheists, Agnostics & Sinning-Defending Hypocrites -- Laboring Over The Truth That True Christians Live Sinless Through The Power of Christ!!!!
Florida International University: 30 Preachers Join Me As We Exalt The Gospel Of Jesus Christ, Contending w/ Muslims, Atheists, Homosexuals and Hypocrites -- A Wild Day!