This Ain't Your Lil Bro's G.I. Joe Qanon Episode! Former FBI / Ex-Military Gives STRAIGHT FACTS and a Non-Hopeum Warning! — David Baumblatt on "The Awake Nation" | WE in 5D: Notice They No Longer Work with a Devolved Kerry Cassidy.
What was Left-Leaning Decades Ago is Today Shoved to the Right Simply Because One is Authentic, Not Hallow, and Non-Establishment—Expanding an Umbrella of a New Center/Right. So Be it! | WE in 5D: His Thoughts on Cops/Military #SpotOn 👌🏽
NEW EARTH & REAL L.O.A. – Dhieyo | WE in 5D: YouTube Slowly Creeping Up on Even [Non-Controversial (That's Not Me)] Teachers to Ban! Is This the Universe's Default to Unify [Better-Matching (Doesn't Mean We ALWAYS Agree] Vibrations?
SO.. YOU THINK BECAUSE YOU'RE "GOOD" YOU'RE GOING TO 5D. Ok! The Negative Aren't Going, BUT Neither are 90% of the "Good". The Meek and Non-Productive Go NOWHERE. You Will Stay with What You Have Created—NOTHING.
Minstrel Man (1977 Full TV Movie) | Drama/Musica | Glynn Turman, Ted Ross. | Summary: Two brothers (Glynn Turman, Stanley Clay) form a non-degrading Southern minstrel troupe during the birth of ragtime.
NEVER Give RiffRaff the Time of Day Until They Return to Their Authenticity. Until Then They Are Non-Existent! #DELETE | Radio Host GOES OFF on Propagandist Reporter, Gives the Facts, and LEAVES (Just as He Should!)