“Armageddon”: The Final Battle — How Will You Create it? The Illuminati Conditioned You with [“God” is Coming to Save You] so That You Forfeit Your Physical AND Spiritual Sovereignty, But the Outcome is Yours! | Gregg Braden
How NOT to Approach Getting a Tarot Reading; and How You Often Create an AWFUL Reality for Yourself! | Twilight Zone: Nick of Time (1959–1964 TV Series) | Summary: Newlyweds Don and Pat Carter enter a diner where they have their fortunes told to them.
"I'm 16 and My Parents Are Charging Me Rent!" (Should They Be?) — The Ramsey Show | WE in 5D: This is the BEST Way to FOREVER Ruin How Your Child Sees You, and Occasionally You'll Even Create Wokeist Kids...
Labyrinth (1986 Full Movie) [A Metaphorical Depiction of How You Create Your Shortcomings AND Blessings, AKA Every Inch of Your Reality!] | Fantasy/Adventure | David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly.
Labyrinth (1986 Full Movie) [A Metaphorical Depiction of How You Create Your Shortcomings AND Blessings, AKA Every Inch of Your Reality!] | Fantasy/Adventure | David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly. | #FantasyFriday
FULL SHOW: The Mystery Of The UFO/UAP Invasion Has Been Solved, Orwellian Legislation Now In Congress Would Ban Civilian Drone Operations And Create A Corporate Government Monopoly, And More! — Monday Broadcast (12/16/24)