The President's 2023 Budget requests nearly $2 billion for the NNI, the largest ever request since its inception. This reflects the widespread recognition of the potential for nanotechnology to contribute to agency missions and national priorities.
I dont want the holier than thou Watred Down Fake Indoctrinated "Christians" On My Channel Either! They Have Already Wasted Enough Of Everyone's Time With Their Kumbya Jesus Is Comming Talking Points!
Ian F Akildiz: Global PANACEA Architecture (IoBnT) Programming "Viruses" Wirelessly Inside The Body, Track & Trace-Quarantine - "You Can Be Re-Programmed (DUAL USE) And Killed"
Alex Jones & Co'intel PAYTRIOT$ Playing Drama Based Mind-Control Games - While We Are Continuing To Provide Education With Documented Proof Everytime! .
You took the jab? You are now a cDNA PATENTED HUMAN! 2013 Supreme Court Petition explaining RNA, mRNA, DNA, isolated DNA and cDNA and how cDNA, AND isolated DNA