Yuval Noah Harari | "Increasingly You Apply to a Bank to Get a Loan. In Many Places It's No Longer a Human Banker That Is Making That Decision About You, It's An Algorithm. It's Happening Also In the Judicial System Increasingly."
hillary Calls For Mass Censorship of American Citizens Or “We Lose Total Control”/FEMA Inspector Warns: $750 Disaster Relief is a Loan—Failure to Repay Will Lead to Property Seizure/Texas Law Enforcement Raid Building Used as Base by Venezuelan Gang
Ep.226 New Covid Jab Given Emergency Use Authorization! Warren Buffett Dumps $981 Million Bank of America Stock, SCOTUS Blocks Biden Student Loan Bailout, Bongino Testifies on J13!
Mike in the Night! E576 - FU Zelnzki as EU approves €35 billion loan for Ukraine, Mitch McConnell Claims Trump Supporters Are ‘Losers’, hundreds of Canadians chose to be euthanized because of poverty and loneliness,
Red Alert!! The $750 is a LOAN!! & "EMINENT DOMAIN" = BULLSHIT! THE SO CALLED "government" IS A PRIVATE FOREIGN BRITISH CROWN ROTHSCHILD CORPORATION!!! | They are STEALING Homes from North Carolinans by Eminent Domain | LAND GRAB