Marjorie Taylor Greene: "You said you represent science. Do you represent science, Mr. Fauci?" Fauci: "That's not a yes or no answer." MTG: "We'll take that as a you don't know... you belong in prison."
Peter Navarro | “We Have MAGA. Now With RJK Jr. Teaming Up, We Have MAHA.” - Peter Navarro + Should Jack Smith & Fauci Be Bunk Mates In Prison? | “The Vaccine Destroys Your Immune System.” - Navarro + Dr. Judy Mikovits
Why isn’t Tony Fauci in prison? You’ll wonder after you watch “Thank You, Dr. Fauci,” now out on TCN. Jenner Furst made the documentary. Even if you think you know a lot, this is an amazing conversation.
Breaking: FDA Knowingly Authorized Deadly Bioweapons MPOX Research on 100,000 US Military Personnel | "It was all ILLEGAL!" - Barron Trump Calls for Fauci to Go to Prison
Ep.325 A NEW ERA OF DISCLOSURE Has Begun: Jake Barber & SKYWATCHER! Major Secret Space Program Revelations! Fauci Security Detail Pulled! Marines Arrive At Southern Border!