11 days ago⚕️ 🇨🇦 Dr. Charles Hoffe From Lytton, British Columbia Talks About the Backlash He Experienced Because He Would Not Give the Covid Jabs..Real Truth Real NewsVerified
1 day agoDr. Charles Hoffe: Vaccines Have Been Used FIVE TIMES To Reduce Fertility!USAFrontlineDoctors
11 days agoDr. Charles Hoffe From Lytton, British Columbia Talks About the Backlash Because the Covid ..Dr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
24 days agoCOVID Vaccine Challenger | Dr. Charles Hoffe Scores A Big Win Against Canadian Medical AuthoritiesDr. Bryan Ardis | The Dr. Ardis Show | Dr. Peter McCullough
2 days agoDr. Charles Hoffe: Pfizer designed their vaccine to circulate through the entire bodCanadian Citizens Journal
16 days agoDr. Charles Hoffe: Pfizer hid the fact that their Covid shot "ends up in literally every part of...Hot_Topic
24 days agoCOVID Vaccine Challenger Dr. Charles Hoffe Scores A Big Win Against Canadian Medical AuthoritiesDr. Ardis|The Dr Ardis Show | Dr.Eric Berg
18 days agoBIG WIN: CPSBC Drops Charges Against Dr. Charles Hoffe After 4-Year Battle Over Vaccine ConcernsQuestion EverythingVerified
20 days agoDr Charles Hoffe tested the blood of his patients within one week of vaxCanadian Citizens Journal
2 months agoDr. Charles Hoffe – 60% of his mRNA Vaccinated Patients Had Elevated D-Dimer TestsWaking the World up
11 days agoDr. Charles Hoffe From Lytton, British Columbia Talks About the Backlash Because the Covid ..Dr. Lee Merritt | Dr. Carrie Madej
3 months agoDr. Charles Hoffe on what mRNA vaccines really do to the body:Question EverythingVerified
2 months agoCOVID Vaccine: Biggest Disaster In Medical History - Dr. Charles HoffeBiological Medicine
4 months agoDoctor Risked It All, Speaking Out During Covid | Dr. Charles HoffeThe Grey Matter Podcast
4 months agoDr Charles Hoffe MD - The HPOA Will completely destroy the trust in the medical professionXisMyMiddleName