1 month ago🟢🟣🟡 BG123 'X' marked the spot November, Clear skies in December' for XRP- ATH Loading !🟡🟣🟢DigitalAssetVerse
2 months ago🟢🟣🟡BG123 & Ripple Riddler, Where are we now ? 10-2024. Ripple. XRP. XRPL 🟡🟣🟢DigitalAssetVerse
2 months ago🟢🟣🟡 Regs : Tether & MiCA how it might be connected to the SWIFT Reset. BG123-Ripple- XRP 🟡🟣🟢DigitalAssetVerse
3 months ago🟢🟣🟡 Ripple Riddler & BG123 where they pointing to October 2024? Ripple. XRP. XRPL🟡🟣🟢DigitalAssetVerse
4 months ago⚠️🇺🇸 BTC Phoenix shall rise in 2024 as will XRP. BG123 Xmas Scene & Ross Vandermeer & Trump !🇺🇸⚠️DigitalAssetVerse
10 months ago⚠️🇺🇸 BG123- The 'Glasshouse Riddle' Dot Connect - Dec 2023. Ripples & XRP's future plans 🇺🇸⚠️DigitalAssetVerse
11 months ago⚠️🇺🇸 BG123, Ripple Riddler & Ross Vandermeer connecting some dots. XRP, XRPL, RIPPLE. 🇺🇸⚠️DigitalAssetVerse
11 months ago⚠️🇺🇸 XRP 2024, Tether Gov creation, NASDAQ ATH’s?, The Crow & Storm BG123 & RR Dot connect 🇺🇸⚠️DigitalAssetVerse
11 months ago⚠️🇺🇸 BG123 589 hidden meanings. Full explanation. XRP. XRPL. Ripple. 🇺🇸⚠️DigitalAssetVerse
10 months ago⚠️🇺🇸 XRP 2024- BG123 & Ripple Riddler Xmas Scene -joining the dots 🇺🇸⚠️DigitalAssetVerse
11 months ago⚠️🇺🇸 Stellar, Soroban, Aqua, SHX, Gemini XRP -ETF? BG123 & RR =May 🇺🇸⚠️DigitalAssetVerse
11 months ago⚠️🇺🇸Gemini + XRP, Satoshi found?, SEC -BNB, BG123 & RR Dot connect 🇺🇸⚠️DigitalAssetVerse
11 months ago⚠️🇺🇸 Arthur Hayes liquidity black swan March- Storm -Ripple Riddler & BG123🇺🇸⚠️DigitalAssetVerse
11 months ago🚨 BG123 “ Nothing happens until something moves “ Molasses, Regs & The Phenoix. XRP. 🚨DigitalAssetVerse
11 months agoBG123's The Ripple Insider. A Look at his timeline and how I interpret it. Ripple. XRP. XRPLDigitalAssetVerse
11 months agoRipple insider BG123 - Christmas scene Part 2 -riddle decode… Ripple. XRP. XRPL.DigitalAssetVerse