1. I was inspired by Jim to make this feedback for DE on Warframe 07-15-2024

    I was inspired by Jim to make this feedback for DE on Warframe 07-15-2024

  2. Warframe | Incubating My First Egg ?

    Warframe | Incubating My First Egg ?

  3. How will Live-Services End on Consoles? - FrameCast #42 Feat. Xayl

    How will Live-Services End on Consoles? - FrameCast #42 Feat. Xayl

  4. What to even expect from CyberPunk 2077? - The FrameCast#65

    What to even expect from CyberPunk 2077? - The FrameCast#65

  5. What does Deimos Arcana means for Warframe's Future? - FrameCast #64

    What does Deimos Arcana means for Warframe's Future? - FrameCast #64
