NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU: If You Bring Forth What is Within You What You Bring Forth Will Save You. If You Do Not Bring Forth What is Within You What You Do Not Bring Forth Will Destroy You. | Gregg Braden on The Higher Self with Danny Morel
Die Another Day [00🔫] – Madonna | A Hell of an Accurate Metaphor for What’s Happening INSIDE Many Starseeds NOW. If You Bring Forth What is Within You, What You Bring Forth Will Save You. If You Do Not, What You Do Not Bring Forth Will Destroy You.
Internes Can't Take Money (1937 Full Movie) | Drama/Romance/Mystery | Summary: Dr. Kildare (Joel McCrea) saves a gangster's life (Lloyd Nolan) and helps an ex-convict (Barbara Stanwyck) find her child. | Barbara Stanwyck Homage
Hurricane Volunteers Threatened with Arrest for Attempting to Help Save Stranded Hurricane Victims, and While Thousands are Still Missing — This is Your Government #JustDoingTheirJob! | Jean Nolan (Inspired)
“Armageddon”: The Final Battle — How Will You Create it? The Illuminati Conditioned You with [“God” is Coming to Save You] so That You Forfeit Your Physical AND Spiritual Sovereignty, But the Outcome is Yours! | Gregg Braden