Ephrata Cloister: Prophetic Holy Spirit Revelations and Warnings: If You Obey The Truth You Also Must Be Drenched In The Holy Spirit Or It Will Lead To Disaster -- The Sabbath Keeping Colony In 1700's Pennsylvania
Dream From Subscriber Confirms What Holy Spirit Told Me: Trump Will Allow Russia & China To Nuke The USA, Trump's Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of the Covenant, The Original Land Grant Given For Israel, Sukkot Enforced By Jesus In 1000 Year Reign
Lost Lake Cave Boat Tour: Prophetic Pictures For The End Times: The Rushing River of the Holy Spirit Sweeping Away Wicked Hearts To Bring Forth A Pure Bride
Cleveland State: Spirit of Confusion on Professing Christian, 1 Sinner Grabs My Banner, Ferocious Wind Snaps My Banner Frame, I Rebuke the Wind in Jesus' Name and It Dies Down, Perverts, Hypocrites Gather To Blaspheme Yah, Wild Day!
Univ of Maryland: Reproving the Pedophilia In Islam/Stomping on Koran, Reproving the Pedophilia in the Babylonian Talmud-Rebuking The Unbelieving Jews, Exalting Jesus Christ! A Wicked Reprobate Claims You Can Have Holy Spirit While Murdering!!!!