6 months ago🐝 Adding another Queen 👑 BROOD box 🍯 BareFoot BushMan 🤠 Robbo Da YobboRobboDaYobbo Aussie Conspiracy Comedian -
10 months ago☠️ You Are NOT SICK ✈️ You are 'UNDER THE WEATHER' 💦 - MORGELLONSHAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch
10 months ago👾 Ai Simpsons MOVIE Auditions 🤡 You Want YOU 🤠 - Stay TunedHAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch
10 months ago☠️ Toxic MAGNETIC 'Smart' DUST from the Sky ✈️ #WeatherWarfare 💦HAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch
10 months ago🤖 Build Your Own 🦾 EMP Robot RIFLE 🔫 Translation by Robbo Da Yobbo 🤠HAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch
10 months ago🚨 It's BAAAACK 🌚 CRAZY SEA ANOMALY 🌊 TSUNAMI Time 📡 HAARP HuntersHAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch
10 months agoFILMED IN 2017 !!! The NOW DESTROYED - Flat Earth Clock - GEORGIA GUIDESTONESHAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering Watch