8 months agoFrench Antifa NOW at Place de la République in Paris after Macron has LOST the electionGreatwhitelion21
8 months agoParis — Leftist and Antifa rioters shut down the streets around the Place de laB-N-F-A-T-WVerified
8 months agoThis is what one of the most famous squares in Paris looks like – Place de laB-N-F-A-T-WVerified
9 months agoLYON IS BETTER THAN PARIS?! | Hidden French Gem in south France | France Travel Vlogtryonhaul26
8 months agoRIP FRANCE! The French elections were brutally and blatantly rigged & stolengalacticstorm
2 months agoMort de Jean-Marie Le Pen : Les mutants islamo-gauchistes organisent un apéro géant🤢🤮 [Flokossama]Boris Le Lay
8 months agoFrench elections: Riots erupt after left-wing coalition projected to win plurality of seatsEVERYDAYSTORIES
8 months agoAs police deploy tear gas in Nantes and Rennes amid celebrations over the leftistB-N-F-A-T-WVerified
8 months agoStreets Of Paris Trashed, Broken Glass And Bottles After Thousands Of Far-Left Activists RiotNewsVids
8 months agoLeftists In Paris Launch Numerous Projectiles At The Police, Who Responded With Tear GasNewsVids
7 months agoDes émeutes massives éclatent en France malgré la victoire de l'alliance de gaucheRebel News