2009 and On Youtube/Internet Global Battle! YAH SAID take the masses of prophets of baal leading many to a false jesus to Spiritual Mount Carmel. Anointed Minister speaks HIS Apostle's Words
Millions Backslide. YAH Says it's satan worship. Repentance! Many Christians came to worship JESUS of Scripture but leaders slaughtered Sheep for a fake jesus A SCAM!
Pastor David Wilkerson (now in Heaven) Warned Of A "Persecution Madness" At true believers in JESUS (YAHUSHUA, Hebrew Translation) Many Filthy Churches. True Church Underground, Home Worship
Pastor David Wilkerson (now in Heaven) Warned Of A "Persecution Madness" At true believers in JESUS (YAHUSHUA, Hebrew Translation) Many Filthy Churches. True Church Underground, Home Worship