LIVE: President Trump and JD Vance Hold Major Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan - 7/20/24 | Join Eric Trump, Navarro, Flynn, Kash, Julie Green, Amanda Grace & Team America October 17-18 In Selma, NC (Request Tix Via Text 918-851-0102)
Peter Thiel | "J.D. Vance As We Know Him Today Wouldn't Exist Without Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel Started His Venture Capital Career, Financed His Political Campaign & Was a Major Donor to Start J.D. Vance's Venture Capital Firm."
Cyber Pandemic | "Pay Sufficient Attention to the Frightening Scenario of a Comprehensive Cyber Attack. COVID-19 Crisis Would Be Seen As Small Disturbance In Comparison to a Major Cyber Attack." - Klaus Schwab 7/8/2020
BRICS | China Expects Major Economic Growth After Ditching US Dollar + Why Is China Making Man-Made Island Bases? + What Is China’s Skynet Mass Surveillance Project Created In 2005
Yuval Noah Harari | "Harari Sees 21st Century As Having Two Major Agendas. 1st, Solve the Technical Problem of Physical Death So People May Live Forever. Second, Is to Massively Enhance Human Happiness." - John Lennox
Wolf of Wall Street | "The Dollar Right Now Is Losing Its Luster Around the World. One Major Mistake the Biden Administration Made Was Freezing Russia's Assets. It Drove Them Into This BRICS System." - Jordan Belfort
Ken Paxton Endorsed Debbie Georgatos | Ladies Can We Talk? Analyzing Voting Patterns of Women w/ Debbie Georgatos + Why RNC Needs Major Overhaul NOW! + Why the RNC Needs Lara Trump