Peter Navarro | "Mr. Speaker, I Rise to Alert This House of the Actions of the Federal Bureau of Prisons Which Seem to Be Vindicating the Claim of Mr. Navarro That He Is Being Held As a Political Prisoner." - Rep Matt Gaetz
Republican National Convention | Pastor Matt Trewhella Discusses What the Bible Has to Say About the Recent Updated Republican Stance On Abortion & Biblical Marriage (July 21st 2024) + Amber Rose At the RNC?
Yuval Noah Harari | "Tell Us the Story Why It Was Decided That This Huge Book Should Be Represented In the Book Shop By a Pigeon?" - Robin Ince | "In Hebrew, the Word for Dove Is Also Pigeon." - Yuval Noah Harari | Matt 24:37
Butler, Pennsylvania | What Actually Happened IN Butler, Pennsylvania? | Matt Coday, The President & Founder of the Oil & Gas Worker's Association Shares His Eye-Witness Account of the Butler PA Trump Assassination Attempt
HR 6090 | Charlie Kirk, "Did House of Representatives Just Make Parts of the Bible Illegal?" Tucker Carlson, "Yes. The New Testament." What Does HR 6090 Antisemitism Awareness Act Mean? + Rev 16:12-14, Mark 13, Luke 21, Matt 24
Peter Navarro | "I've Been Trying for Five Weeks to Try to Interview Mr. Navarro And I Was Informed Directly That the Request Would Be Denied." - Congressman Matt Gaetz + Support Navarro At
Yuval Noah Harari | "Christianity Which Sees Itself As the Religion of Love Was Responsible for More Violence Than Any Other Religion In History." - Harari (9/25/24) Is Yuval the False Prophet? Rev. 16: 12-14, Matt 24:37, Dan 7:25