2 months ago⚠️Trigger Warning🚨 Tucker on the scam of vaccines and aborted baby fetal cell lines in them.Alternative Media News
9 months agoThe Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer confirms there could be other fetal cell lines used.RefugeOfSinners
8 months agoAborted Fetal Cell Lines in Vaccines – Why Should We Be Concerned About Vaccines? -- Dr. Jim MeehanWaking the World up
11 months agoBest biotech #fetal #bovine #serum FBS - Premium, Origin USAUniversal products and services
1 month ago#287 - Ignored Science: Decoding the Vaccine Mandates - Truth, Transparency, and TyrannyDoc Malik
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10 months agoSatanic Files and Glowing Vials Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa Mcatee Hope and Tivon Full InterviewHopeGirl Alternative NewsVerified
9 months agoFlavor Enhancement = Aborted Babies - Your Becoming a Cannibal Without Realizing it! #CitizenCastCitizen Cast