12 days agoEpisode 480: By Grabthar's Hammer, or Galaxy Quest and other cool stuff!Blasters and Blades Podcast
9 days agoEpisode 481: Lets consider how fictional religions are represented in Speculative Fiction!Blasters and Blades Podcast
2 months agoEpisode 452: Lets step through the portal with the Stargate Franchise!Blasters and Blades Podcast
1 month agoEpisode 458: We've got all of the coolest North American Monsters!Blasters and Blades Podcast
26 days agoEpisode 474: The Contested Landing Anthology and the world it spawned with Jesse James FainBlasters and Blades Podcast
1 month agoEpisode 465: It isn't Spooky Season without talking about the bogeyman!Blasters and Blades Podcast
1 month agoEpisode 471: Veterans in Fiction; The Good, The Bad and The UglyBlasters and Blades Podcast
24 days agoEpisode 475: An Exodus Z Comic Book Kickstarter or Art With Friends!Blasters and Blades Podcast
21 days agoEpisode 476: The Wokuo Incursion, or How Dale Cozort has fun with timelines!Blasters and Blades Podcast
1 month agoEpisode 459: A Katie Cross Kickstarter and AMA, A Master Class in Awesome!Blasters and Blades Podcast
1 month agoEpisode 463: The End of Zed Comic Book Kickstarter with Eddie LemaBlasters and Blades Podcast