Amightywind Prophecy 101 - "I will protect those who are MINE and the enemies own weapons shall consume them." Eugenicists, Madmen, satanists will all go down in Defeat!
Pres. Trump saved millions of children from sex abuse! YAH SAID IT! 2020 Amightywind Prophecy 153 Excerpts Also warnings about Vaccines/Poisoned Air Food Water/5G/Schools!
Demons of false prophecy going WILD! Cerullo/Evangelical Pimps choose Hell. YAH Says few repent. WARN ONLINE false prophets especially many silly lost women, copy & mock Prophetic Ministries like ours
Preachers Gone MAD! They're antichrists-Jesse Duplantis says JESUS has not come back cause people are not giving enough Money. Pathetic pimps lead masses to a dark jesus/Protect home reject this spell
Amightywind Prophecy 153 Excerpts Pres. Trump saved millions of children from sex abuse/5G/more! (See received in 2020 Prophecy 154 YAH'S Fury U.S. Betrayed/Treasons so China Infiltrates/Trump-baby Christian, NO hybrid)
Amightywind Prophecy 114 - The New Zealand Baby Is Resurrected From The Dead! "Examine the fruit of the ones that attack this Ministry. This Ministry brings souls to YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH, MY Only Begotten Son. Examine the fruit!"
Anointed Minister's teaching Beware of a False Rapture being staged - "This is a message for YAHUSHUA'S Truth Seekers who have eyes to see and ears to hear" DEW's-Satellite-Blue Beam Tech used by hell
Highly Anointed Day of Pentecost/Shavuot Video - Apostle Elisheva Says Expect Miracles! Take My Hand and Join Me in HEAVEN'S Upper Room (Joel Chapter 2 Outpouring)
Amightywind Prophecy 79 - Bride 144,000, Qualified "she is to Keep MY Holy Days." "Bride is humble and Holy.." .."honor the true Shabbat.." not Sunday like YAHUSHUA'S Early Disciples no legalism does their best
Amightywind Prophecy 81 - Oh Yisrael! I, YAHUVEH, Rebuke You! "The Ark of the Covenant is a duplicate of what is in Heaven." Has much power, not anyone can touch it
Amightywind Prophecy 26 - HEAR ME, FEAR ME, BELIEVE ME! "You will see manifested the power of satan, anti-christ and the false prophet, the unholy trinity, using science, government and religion and man-made doctrines to deceive many."
Amightywind Prophecy 61 - Where are all MY Holy Men that lift up their Holy hands to ME, YAHUVEH? "MY Good Book is only referred to as another book. The laws are referred to as outdated."
Amightywind Prophecy 10 - Take Back What satan Has Stolen! "You are a living sacrifice to ME. The work you are doing is not done in your strength and might, but under MY strength and might."
Underground Persecuted Church: Devout Afghan Christian says "world has abandoned us.." but they "will continue in GOD'S Work.." We'll truly pray hard for them
Over Decades Millions Martyred in name of Jihad (not just ISIS)! Be Cautious with Main & Famous Christian Independent Media almost all can't recognize false prophets. Christians/Jews/Arab Christians/Others in Parts of Africa/Middle East. mirrored
Pastor David Wilkerson (now in Heaven) Warned Of A "Persecution Madness" At true believers in JESUS (YAHUSHUA, Hebrew Translation) Many Filthy Churches. True Church Underground, Home Worship