1. Artillerymen of the 40th Separate Artillery Brigade continue to knock out and destroy

    Artillerymen of the 40th Separate Artillery Brigade continue to knock out and destroy

  2. Artillerymen of the 40th Separate Artillery Brigade destroyed an electronic warfare

    Artillerymen of the 40th Separate Artillery Brigade destroyed an electronic warfare

  3. Soldiers of the 40th Separate Artillery Brigade destroyed

    Soldiers of the 40th Separate Artillery Brigade destroyed

  4. Fighters of the 40th Separate Artillery Brigade named after Grand Duke

    Fighters of the 40th Separate Artillery Brigade named after Grand Duke

  5. Ukrainian artillery destroys Russian electronic warfare antenna station, Murom-M system

    Ukrainian artillery destroys Russian electronic warfare antenna station, Murom-M system

  6. Destruction of the ruscists' UAV launch position by artillerymen

    Destruction of the ruscists' UAV launch position by artillerymen

  7. Ukrainian mortar position hit with artillery in southern Donetsk

    Ukrainian mortar position hit with artillery in southern Donetsk
