Conversation w/ Daniel Lee & The Contingency Plan: Trump Attempted Assassination, JD Vance, Daniel 11, Revelation 11, The Two Witnesses, Confirmation of the Covenant, Opposing Narratives, BlackRock, Great Falling Away, Cabal Programming, End Times
Giant Illuminati Pyramid on RNC Stage, Sikh Prays To False God At RNC, Churches Promote Bible Twisting, False Prophet Brandon Biggs Exposed, JD Vance's Role, The Great Falling Away Has Begun
University of West Florida: Nicolas Confirmed He Returned to Jesus, Dealing with Some Proud Mockers, Encouraging One Young Man To Evangelize And Not Let Satan Discourage Him
Shabbat Bible Study: The Tribulation, The Great Tribulation, The Rapture (7th Trumpet Resurrection), The 1000 Year Reign of Christ, The Final Armageddon, The Great White Throne Judgment, The New Heavens & New Earth All Found In Isaiah Chapters 24-30
Daniel 11:37 & Trump Kissing Giuliani In Drag, Supreme Court Immunity Ruling, Dem Party Imploding, Biden Refuses To Leave, China Captures Taiwan Fishing Vessel, 200 Children Rescued
Spirit Cooker and High Level Satanist Marina Abramovic Praises Donald Trump, Identifies Trump As The Great Magician That Will Usher In The Chaos Needed To Bring About The Age of Aquarius -- Why Is Marina So Overjoyed Trump Will Be President?
Florida Atlantic University: Lots of Curious Students, Muslim Asks Me Why I Reject Islam, I Rebuke A Wicked Student Who Calls Apostle Paul Demonic, A Lively Day of Preaching Jesus!